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I'm a little confused by her latest post. First of all, it's a little ironic how concerned she is about the impact of the words of others on HERSELF. However, she maintains a blog full of phrases and deception that people have repeatedly tried to tell her are offensive and negative to others. I guess that's sort of par for the course for Lina though.

I'm interested in this pph:

"I am so thankful for my readership. It is a blessing to be able to share tidbits from my life with others. But if your only purpose for reading about my life is to criticize and mock, then I apologize, but I will not accept that. "

Really? So is she shutting down? Or is she just going to come over here and yell at us? Maybe send TT to enforce sharia law/put a jiahd on us again? Bring it, Lina.

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I took that post as "let me crap all over your religion but if you want to say anything about me and mine... I hope it's only about how nice my headcovering looks." She has no idea how insulting some people find her beliefs and it baffles me that she talks a mean ballgame and acts like a scared little woodland creature when Olly and Olive Orthodox call her on what she types and Frida and Fanny Feminist imply her lifestyle belittles women... GROW A SET, LINA!!!

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Lina, honey, it's so obvious you read here. If you post about your life in public, people have every right to disagree with you and your opinions - and it's not up to you to "accept" that or not. It's just the way it is. However, I do suggest you take your own words to heart - is what you blog about hurting others? Do you look down on others for their choices and actions, that may be different than yours? Are you misleading anyone? Think about that.

If you really are so worried about hurtful words, make sure you yourself are not a source of them before admonishing anyone else.

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She has no idea how insulting some people find her beliefs....

Here's the thing, though: she does know. She's fully aware of how insulting and offensive her beliefs are to some of us, because we've told her, both in the comments on her blog and via e-mail. People have done so politely, with compassion for someone who may actually believe what they're saying but is just confused and have told her using stronger language, as well. It's not that she doesn't understand, it's that she refuses to understand. The first, I might have a bit more patience. The second? I have no use for willful ignorance.

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Pretty much everything she writes is offensive to me. She and women like her, who hide behind their blog to vilify every woman on the planet who is different, piss me right the hell off. She can insult every value I have but no one can question her? I can choose not to read her blog - and that is what I generally choose. I read it once in a while when something here is enough of a topic that I want to know the back story. She could also choose to write words that are not formulated to insult half the population by hiding behind religion, whichever one she is following at the time. She could choose to write about herself and her choices without not so thinly veiled insults at woman who dare to live and be and do and believe differently. She's all of 19 freaking years old. She doesn't know shit about life or women or marriage or families or children or education or anything else. When she stops telling the world how perfect she and her views are, without any experience, then maybe she wouldn't get negative comments.

Then again. I'm betting half the remarks she claims were made on her blog were actually made here. But, she can't admit she stalks FJ more than any FJer stalks her, so she says she gets negative blog comments. It's a rather typical tactic of fundie who know detractors exist. The claim that the blog is inundated with evil comments, just so they can address those who disagree, without admitting they go looking for that disagreement.

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ugh, she's gotten so friggin' boring that I wouldn't even mind if she stopped writing. Lina, spice it up a bit. I'm actually interested in such details as: your wedding, what you wore, what your apartment is like, what you do all day long, what you've been reading, if covering has been difficult for you, if marriage is different than you expected, how your parents reacted to the news that you were getting married in like 2 days, etc. Not even to snark, just because I'm interested. Just entertain me, mmk?

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Pretty much everything she writes is offensive to me. She and women like her, who hide behind their blog to vilify every woman on the planet who is different, piss me right the hell off. She can insult every value I have but no one can question her? I can choose not to read her blog - and that is what I generally choose. I read it once in a while when something here is enough of a topic that I want to know the back story. She could also choose to write words that are not formulated to insult half the population by hiding behind religion, whichever one she is following at the time. She could choose to write about herself and her choices without not so thinly veiled insults at woman who dare to live and be and do and believe differently. She's all of 19 freaking years old. She doesn't know shit about life or women or marriage or families or children or education or anything else. When she stops telling the world how perfect she and her views are, without any experience, then maybe she wouldn't get negative comments.

Then again. I'm betting half the remarks she claims were made on her blog were actually made here. But, she can't admit she stalks FJ more than any FJer stalks her, so she says she gets negative blog comments. It's a rather typical tactic of fundie who know detractors exist. The claim that the blog is inundated with evil comments, just so they can address those who disagree, without admitting they go looking for that disagreement.

Well, she moderates and deletes all unsavory comments, so how can we believe her?

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All those years she embarrassed her parents, going against their wishes by refusing to go to college and blogging about how their home was not godly enough. I think she is quite hypocritical.

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I have nothing profound to add, but my jaw drops at her hypocrisy and total lack of self awareness.

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Her stupidity offends me more than her beliefs do.

See, its not so much stupidity as willful ignorance. I get SO FRUSTRATED by her. I'd love to send her an email but I KNOW she will not respond. I don't want to berate her, or call her a jerk, but just tell her that I think her actions are extremely hurtful. If she wants to be Jewish, drop the Jesus thing FINE. And if she wants to believe that Jesus is the messiah, then that's fine, just STOP calling yourself Jewish! But I know its akin to banging my head against a wall.

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Oh, Lina, grow a pair. Clearly you would be an utter failure at being a Jew (other than the whole part where you believe in Jesus, because as you've been told a million times by a million people that's NOT compatible with "practicing Orthodox Judaism"), because Jews need thick skin.

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If hateful words concern her that much, why does she still have that Pat Robertson quote on her blog?

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians.
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Oh Lina sweetie, it must be so hard for you to read all this snarking when you are supposed to be in the fluffy kittens style happiness of the newly wed.

So let me give you some advice; get a job.

Pretty much any job will do - paid or unpaid. You will find you no longer have the time to visit FJ and ruminate over how we all just PERSECUTE YOU ALL DAY LONG!!!111ELEVENTY11!!!

If you do get a job you will find you are filling your time productively. It will give you a huge boost in your self esteem and help you to contribute to your marriage in way that is much better than washing TT's skiddies and lighting scented candles.

Of course this will mean getting off your backside, leaving the 'delicate little flower' mentality you carefully crafted for yourself at home.

In short my dear Lina, GET A LIFE.

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Oh Lina sweetie, it must be so hard for you to read all this snarking when you are supposed to be in the fluffy kittens style happiness of the newly wed.

So let me give you some advice; get a job.

Pretty much any job will do - paid or unpaid. You will find you no longer have the time to visit FJ and ruminate over how we all just PERSECUTE YOU ALL DAY LONG!!!111ELEVENTY11!!!

If you do get a job you will find you are filling your time productively. It will give you a huge boost in your self esteem and help you to contribute to your marriage in way that is much better than washing TT's skiddies and lighting scented candles.

Of course this will mean getting off your backside, leaving the 'delicate little flower' mentality you carefully crafted for yourself at home.

In short my dear Lina, GET A LIFE.

True story.

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I wonder if they're going to take some type of legal action. Her line just sounded like a threat (in a meek little Lina way).

I too want to hear about weddings, babies, day to day life, etc., and less whining about the internet persecuting her. Come on Lina, give us something fun to talk about and we'll stop mocking you.

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I wonder if they're going to take some type of legal action. Her line just sounded like a threat (in a meek little Lina way).

I too want to hear about weddings, babies, day to day life, etc., and less whining about the internet persecuting her. Come on Lina, give us something fun to talk about and we'll stop mocking you.

What legal action could she possibly take?

People don't have the inherent right to have a public blog without being mocked. Nobody is accusing her of things that aren't the truth, so it isn't (as I understand it) defamation.

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What legal action could she possibly take?

People don't have the inherent right to have a public blog without being mocked. Nobody is accusing her of things that aren't the truth, so it isn't (as I understand it) defamation.

Don't get me wrong - I don't think she actually has any cause of action. But you can always hire a lawyer to send some letters and make some noise. I guess they don't have the money for it....oh but with all those millions of Jews they know they're bound to know an attorney willing to do it pro bono. ;-)

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