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Federal Gov to Interfere in State’s Laws Re: Pot


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I have personally only indulged once, and have no strong opinion on the matter for me personally. It wouldn't affect my life either way, legal or not legal. HOWEVER. I also have a family member for whom herb has been a godsend. He's gone from sitting on the bathroom floor vomiting from migraines to not having had one in some time thanks to herb. For those people, fuck anyone who tries to take that away. 

Separately, I remain annoyed that issues that they don't like the federal rules on the matter are suddenly state's rights: abortion, gay marriage and the like, but the second it's something they don't like, fuck the states, you do what I say. The hypocrisy makes my hair hurt!

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16 hours ago, Destiny said:

Separately, I remain annoyed that issues that they don't like the federal rules on the matter are suddenly state's rights: abortion, gay marriage and the like, but the second it's something they don't like, fuck the states, you do what I say. The hypocrisy makes my hair hurt!

And pointing it out to them only elicits a "But Hillary! But Obama!"

I've figured out that this is Kellywise Conjob's purpose. She is used to teach the BTs how to respond when someone asks them to justify their hypocrisy.

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On 1/15/2018 at 6:50 PM, Destiny said:

Separately, I remain annoyed that issues that they don't like the federal rules on the matter are suddenly state's rights: abortion, gay marriage and the like, but the second it's something they don't like, fuck the states, you do what I say. The hypocrisy makes my hair hurt!

This is playing out in Texas as well, but it's state vs local, and it's played out when cities and communities have banned something (voted on by citizens) that moneyed interests don't like.  Then laws are passed at the state level banning local entities from doing what it is they want to do.  So far the Texas Lege has struck down requiring Uber and Lyft to have more thorough vetting procedures for their drivers (Austin) and fracking within town limits (Denton).  Our legislative ass hats have been whining states rights forever but never see the hypocrisy when they slap down cities for doing the right thing for their citizens, and especially when these things have been passed by majority votes in hard-fought referendums at the local level. 

Anyway, Canada (waves "hello" to our maple-leaf friends) is set to legalize the herb for recreational use in July of this year. Justin Trudeau, the hippest PM alive, pushed for this. However, it seems that everyone is confused about how to go about the legal sales end of things and tracking from seed to sales.  Maybe they should just take a few puffs on the spliff, mon, and chill the f*ck out.  Anyway, when it does get sorted, Canada may be on the receiving end of some major pot tourism from those stressed out  by the Trump administration.   According to Rolling Stone, there are already shops in Toronto selling informally. 

I'll leave  y'all with this: Pot is still highly illegal in my state, but a friend living in a very small town on the West Slope of Colorado told me that the county extension agent was handing out packets of cannabis seed at their last town fair. 

Another Colorado friend uses it occasionally for migraine and anxiety.  The fascinating aspect is selective plant breeding for very, very specific outcomes; when she goes to a pot dispensary, she can really narrow it down to select for the effect that she wants. 


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