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Lori Alexander 27: Deleting Bible Passages since 2017

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RE: today's doodle doo doo --- I never knew my great-grandparents, but her doodle made me laugh.

When I was a kid I used to spend summers at my grandparent's house. They lived in a small mid-west town of about 500 people. The kind of place where you knew everyone and you were related to pretty much everyone. My grandparents, relatives, and their friends were big card players. If they weren't playing at the house, they were playing at the bar. Which was where I hung out as a kid.

I'd get my Coke and M & M's and some quarters to play pinball. Whenever someone's glass ran dry I was sent on a mission to the bartender to fetch another drink. Drinking, smoking, and card playing grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and neighbors. Honestly, I have fond memories of hanging out at the bar with all of the old folks. They were kind and generous people and always had a reason to laugh. It tells a good story, too!

I'm sure Lori would be appalled to learn that the great-grandparents of my children allowed their mother to hang out at a bar. There was a lot of love in that bar, and a lot of learning too - like who would be the first to dish out the quarters for pinball. They were all Catholic too, which I'm sure means that their fate is forever sealed.

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My grandpa made his own beer - and root beer for the kids. He played Pinochle and dominoes each week too. On fancy occasions, my family pulled out the Mogen David wine and drank it from repurposed pimento cheese jars. I'd give anything to sit around that table again listening to my grandpa laugh at his own stories while my mom, aunts and uncle said "Dad, that never happened!"  

I bet Lori never walked a garden, brushed dirt off a fresh tomato and stood in the sun and ate it with a loved one. I bet she has no memory of her grandpa or dad standing at the counter cutting corn off the cob for all the grandkids who lost their front teeth that summer. There were 15 of us nearby. There were always several toothless ones. We know she'd never gather catalogs and dictionaries for the little ones to sit on so they could be part of the family dinner and actually reach the table.  Children belong on the floor screaming during Lori's family dinner. 

We were poor. The adults drank beer and wine. But my childhood was magical and kids were TRULY considered a blessing and treated as treasures, not beaten and left to scream alone. 

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@usmcmom - My grandparents always had beer in the fridge. Once my grandmother attempted to make wine in the laundry room sink. She was Italian so I guess she thought she knew what she was doing. It turned out horribly and was one of the funnier stories always told. My husband brews beer and we keep a keg in the fridge as well as wine. 

Grandma always served us second helpings even when we didn't want it. And, if we didn't like something she never forced us to eat it or thought that we were disrespecting her. Good Italian grandmothers know the importance of food and that eating around the table is more about sharing life together than just stuffing food down your throat. Food was made and served from the heart. Something Lori desperately misses.

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The wine making story brought back more memories,  Dad loved his wine, but we were so poor it didn't fit in the family budget (and trust me, WE had a budget. $2 a week was put in an envelope for my clothing. Thank God for used school uniforms!).

Anyway, some of Dad's wine was pretty decent, but some of it was crap. Of course, he was using things like dandelions we used to pick in empty fields, or rhubarb he grew in the garden to make it. After one particularly bad batch, he decided to burn off the alcohol to save the sugar (poor, I say!). The alcohol fumes carried the fire right up to the basement rafters, and we kids watched in delight and horror as the entire basement ceiling flamed blue. Luckily, it burned out fast and, if it wasn't  for the slightly singed wood, Mom would have never known. 

I bet the Alexander kids don't have great memories like those. 

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I'll never forget the pinochle games at my grandmother's. They played for money (penny-ante). My step-grandpa would get pissed off when he would lose, my grandmother would be half-smashed and call my great-aunt "the polack"*, my great-aunt would have a bad hand and say "shitty bitty" and they'd all slide me change. They'd be fussing and feuding and arguing until the game was over. As soon as the coffee and cake came out, the fights were done. Maybe that's why I have NO fear of confrontation :)

*my grandmother was German and my great-aunt was Polish. My step-grandpa was Irish. 

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I don't really have time for this foolish, heartless, judgmental woman.  She has no idea what living and surviving looks like for most people.  She teaches that which she doesn't know about (blind leader) to those who have no interest in seeing anything other than what she teaches (willful blind).  She doesn't deserve my time but I feel like venting.  

Lori doesn't know what it's like to get up before dawn to go out and deliver a paper round so she can be there to make breakfast for her kids and send them off to school, while still making some money to pay bills. 

She has no idea what it's like to meet a bailiff at the door with an arrest note for her husband because he owes a few hundred (unpaid bills? something!). She hasn't paid the bill herself to keep the old family car from being clamped and put off the road. 

She hasn't met the water man at the door, armed with the tools and the license to turn off her water if she can't pay the last three bills on the spot.  She wasn't aware the bills were not being paid.

She hasn't wondered why on earth her landline and her internet have stopped working. She hasn't had to call the phone company to find out that... more unpaid bills. 

She hasn't gone to take a shower in the dead cold of February to find that water runs cold and, yes, the heating oil tank is empty.  She hasn't had to rush out in the dead of night to the nearest self-serve gas station to fill up a canister with heating oil so the furnace will go on again and the pipes won't freeze. 

She hasn't had to tell her children that they can't afford football, soccer, dance lessons.. whatever. 

She hasn't had to cover up for their lack of medical care when one of her kids was sick. 

She doesn't live with a drug addict or an alcoholic.  

She doesn't have to get up at night to let him in when he's forgotten his keys. 

She doesn't have to make beds and do laundry in the middle of the night when he comes home with some beggar her found on the street.

She lives in a mansion. She's had good medical care and help when she couldn't manage on her own: housekeeper, nanny, family living nearby....

She can afford organic produce all year round and lives in a state where there is local produce all year round.  She doesn't have to work to pay bills. It doesn't look like Ken squanders their money or is forever running after the next big money-making idea.  

Lori is blind and knows nothing about life.  She thinks her privileged living is a result of her "godliness", but it's not.  She's not going to help anyone. She won't lift a finger or get uncomfortable for anyone in need.  Nobody should listen to her. 

I'm angry at her and her fangirls today.  

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@onemama, you are so right. I'd just like to add that she hasn't lived with and witnessed the pain of someone who is struggling with serious mental health issues.

I'd like to share this with her just to see if she would recognize it as satire, because  I'm really afraid she might not:


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I see a comment on instagram that the black petunias were created by geneticists 10 years ago.  Wait then, this isn't God's natural creation...Lori should not be liking them. Can't claim its God's natural beauty. 

In other topics, I was thinking Lori should encourage her fan girls to read here if she has nothing to hide. I am curious @Joyceif Lori actively tells women in the chatroom to NOT read here. If so, that really shows she is afraid of what they might find out. I imagine she scares them to stay away from here by saying you should only "dwell on the lovely" of course the lovely is very subjective. Only dwell on what Lori deems lovely. 

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I was actually surprised to see a bottle of Lambrusco in my grandmother's fridge once.  "You mean she DRINKS?!!" :pb_razz:

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Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach sake (1 Timothy 5:23). Doctors today tell heart patients to drink a glass of red wine for their hearts, and Antony’s dad was told to drink stout when he had leukaemia. 
In Titus 2:3-5 the older women are told to not be given to too much wine; in other word we can drink some wine, but like anything, don’t overdo it. 
I think that goes for everything including chocolate, deserts, cake...Paul wrote that nothing was unlawfully for him but that not everything was wise (1 Corinthians 6:12 & 10:23). 
I enjoy a glass of Red especially with a scoop of ice-creamHowever my Beloved does not, (even though he grew up in a home that had a big cupboard of alcohol – that said, on NO occasion were his parents seen to be intoxicated; they were people of good reputation). So I have my glass of Red and he has his glass of iced Diet Coke. We are all different and that is fine! 
Going to the movies: we go about twice a year if we are lucky. We took Joshua to see Cars 3 the other night and it was wonderful to see him enjoy his night out! 
My Grandparents loved playing cards. Remember, there was no telly in their day so they entertained themselves and it was a family night of fun!
Sadly, there were a lot of babies born out of wedlock back in the day. I know quite a few people who went through this. However, sadly, their babies were taken at birth and it was washed over never to be spoken about again – not good.
The answer back then was you got married very quickly if you where pregnant, and then claimed it was a honeymoon baby – how romantic, for those who believed it!
As for modesty, that is a sad one. I feel sad for any woman who thinks she needs to be half undressed to attract a man. 
I think it is sad to say “this Christian generation” because we are implying that all of this Christian generation are doing this, which is not true. Our daughter has always been modest. No low tops, tights with dresses above her knees, no tight clothes...(rules she made - not us) and I know of young ones that don’t even watch telly! 
Keep the faith, Lori; I think if you could watch more younglings, you would find that the future is not as bleak as you think. 
Where do you and your children stand on alcohol? Is it something you guys partake of in moderation or not at all? I hope you don’t mind me asking; I am just interested in your take on it! Thank you in advance, and I hope all is well with you and yours





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This is what happens when a truly ignorant woman gives advice:



I have a question about a previous blog entry of women wearing men’s clothes and vice versa. My son’s original favorite color was green but because he copied his older sister his favorite color is pink. (He is 5). When offered a straw, balloon or toy he asks for a pink one. I haven’t made a big deal about it. Should I actively steer him towards more “masculine” colors?

What are "masculine" colors??  Is navy blue a masculine color?  Because we've DEFINITELY seen The Modest Mentor in a low cut navy top.



We would, M, just because we wanted our boys to be masculine in every way. It may seem like a little thing and it most likely is but in today’s culture, you can’t be too careful.

Yeah...definitely can't be too careful about those pink balloons.:roll:

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Her post today screams jealousy again. Another christian blogger went viral and Lori doesn't like this. 


There is a “Christian” woman blogger who had a post go viral recently. She’s a great writer so I went back to her beginning posts. Every post was filled with Bible verses and were about the LORD. She has many children but recently she divorced her husband. Now in her recent posts, she never mentions the name of the LORD nor quotes Scripture yet thousands of women are reading her words.

Don't ya just love how she puts Christian in quotes. Lori has already determined this isn't a real Christian.

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It's pathetic.  She IS the gossip that 1 Timothy 5:13 warned you about.  

And the more I think about it, the more irritated I get about Lori telling that woman to take away her kid's balloon.  Do we EVER see Lori wearing "feminine" colors?  I guess that would be pink, purple....what else?  I don't know how to properly assign genders to colors.  

Whatever the case, I am thinking the black, navy, and browns she wears are probably "boy colors", and I'd hate for anyone to confuse Lori for a man.  It's just than in today's culture, you can never be too sure.  A godly woman should definitely wear pink. :roll:

Maybe Lady Lydia can help Lori out.


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12 hours ago, Chocolatedefrauded said:

As a former Catholic school kid, I was shocked in college to hear that Catholics supposedly sacrifice babies. Also shocked to hear Christians supposedly think Jews sacrifice Christian babies.  Sounds like a lot of sacrifices of babies going on! It made no sense to me cause my family had 6 kids & all the other Catholic families had 5-9 kids. So where did all the babies come from? 


Maybe they're stealing the babies!

Also, I want in on those cheesy potatoes and deviled eggs, @usmcmom and @Evangeline !

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Regarding those pink balloons, I'm sure Lori has no idea that until very recently in our history, pink was often considered the more masculine color, blue the feminine. And by recently, I mean it didn't decidedly shift around until after WWII. Prior to that, it was often thought that because pink was a derivative of red--a masculine color if there ever was one, amirite?! LOL--it was more suitable for boys. 

I wonder what she'd think of the old practice of keeping little boys in skirts and dresses until they were 'breeched.' Her head might explode.

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32 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Put me down for ham biscuits and possibly ambrosia.  Anyone making coconut layer cake?

I'll bring the coconut layer cake! Made one last weekend with my niece and it was delicious!

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So a 5 year old can't have a pink balloon, but her son can wear a pink tie??

More irony:

Her son wore the pink tie, and Lori wore the low cut navy shirt.  Why wasn't her son wearing the navy, and Lori wearing the pink.  I thought she said you couldn't be too careful...


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51 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Put me down for ham biscuits and possibly ambrosia.  Anyone making coconut layer cake?

I can make Jell-O salad, in the proper liturgical colors, of course! Y'all haven't lived until you've had Jell-O salad with carrots in it.

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So which blogger is Lori complaining about today? I figure it must be a younger woman since Lori goes on and on about how older women are the only ones who are supposed to be teaching women.

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She wrote a post complaining about Lysa a couple months ago, and I don't see a recent post on Lysa's site. I thought maybe it was somebody else's turn to be on Lori's hot seat.

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1 hour ago, Koala said:


So a 5 year old can't have a pink balloon, but her son can wear a pink tie??

More irony:

Her son wore the pink tie, and Lori wore the low cut navy shirt.  Why wasn't her son wearing the navy, and Lori wearing the pink.  I thought she said you couldn't be too careful...


It's pale pink, too. Even more dangerous. Ryan, you are flirting with the dark side!

I love how seriously that mom is taking her son's color preferences. His "former" favorite color was green (you see, he was once masculine). Now he has changed to pink! My kids used to change their favorite color all the time. In fact, my 17-year old just told me she had a new favorite color. None of it registers with me at all. Silly me, I'm more concerned they get their homework done, stay safe while driving, be kind to their siblings, etc. . .

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3 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:



I would swear Jilly is a poe, but apparently she is not.

I like the last part of what she wrote:

3 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Keep the faith, Lori; I think if you could watch more younglings, you would find that the future is not as bleak as you think. 
Where do you and your children stand on alcohol? Is it something you guys partake of in moderation or not at all? I hope you don’t mind me asking; I am just interested in your take on it!

How can she not be a poe?! :my_heart::my_heart::my_smile::my_heart: Cutsie emoticons on every post, exclamation points!!, weird questions....

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