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Who gets voted off the Island first?


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So, this is a fun cross post and I wanted it to have it's own space.  Who is leaving or bring forced out first?  We are somehow only 3 weeks into this $hitshow and I'm wondering who cracks first?  Spicer is my bet.  He's taken a lot of heat and he has to be regularly in the hot seat with the press core.  But will it be Flynn?  He's getting random middle of the night phone calls from the president that have nothing to do with his job and now he's getting some heat for possibly talking shop with Putin prior to the election.  Then there's Conway, she's been part of this shit fest the longest and gets a lot of heat too.  She seems to be holding up remarkably well, but then again she's still a Donald favorite.  Hmmmm..  Any other thoughts or bets???  He hasn't even filled all his positions yet so it could even be someone who hasn't been appointed or confirmed yet.  How long until the rats start fleeing the ship or fall from Trumpian Grace and get booted.  His campaign saw a ridiculous turnover, why not his White House Staff?

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I say either Spicer or Conway.  Both are meeting with the press and news channels on a daily basis, and facing tough questions that they can't accurately answer.  Add in all the meetings at the White House, plus they're both parents.  One of them is going to have a stroke or a heart attack.

Maybe Conway will be first.  She did say she hasn't slept in months.

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I think Spicer will be the first to go. Followed by Conway.

When they do start fleeing the sinking ship, I want them to take as many people down with them as they can. Air all the dirty laundry from inside the White House. Spread the dirt far and wide. 

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There's some talk that George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, is in consideration for appointment as Trump's Solicitor General.

If he is appointed, perhaps Kellyanne will bail or their 3 kids will have to be raised by wolves.  George is currently a partner at a NYC lawfirm.  Considering Kellyanne, some may think those kids are already being raised by wolves. 

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2 hours ago, Howl said:

There's some talk that George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, is in consideration for appointment as Trump's Solicitor General.

If he is appointed, perhaps Kellyanne will bail or their 3 kids will have to be raised by wolves.  George is currently a partner at a NYC lawfirm.  Considering Kellyanne, some may think those kids are already being raised by wolves. 

Considering Kellyanne's complete lack of a moral compass, I think her children might be better off being raised by the nanny who is probably raising them now. 

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45 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Considering Kellyanne's complete lack of a moral compass, I think her children might be better off being raised by the nanny who is probably raising them now. 

I think it's nuts how after the election Kellyanne said that mothers shouldn't work in the White House because of the long hours, and now she and her husband could both end up working there. 

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I just saw a post on Twitter that there are leaks indicating that people are being interviewed for press secretary. 

Can't find it again to link. 

And it may just be a rumor. 

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20 hours ago, JMO said:

@PsyD2013 I completely agree.  Bannon is like Rasputin,  he'll never die!

I compare Bannon to a cockroach. He'll survive a nuclear blast.

8 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Considering Kellyanne's complete lack of a moral compass, I think her children might be better off being raised by the nanny who is probably raising them now. 

I so agree. All Kellyanne will do is fill their heads with nonsense.


As for the first departure from the island, my guess is Spicer. Frankly, I'd like to see them all go, I don't care what order.

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After reading this article, I'm wondering if maybe Rancid Penis might be the first to go. A brief quote:


One of President Trump’s longtime friends made a striking move on Sunday: After talking privately with the president over drinks late Friday, Christopher Ruddy publicly argued that Trump should replace his White House chief of staff.

“A lot of people have been saying, ‘Look, Donald has some problems,’ and I think he realizes that he’s got to make some changes going forward,” Ruddy said in an interview with The Washington Post.

Ruddy went on to detail his critique of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus: “It’s my view that Reince is the problem. I think on paper Reince looked good as the chief of staff — and Donald trusted him — but it’s pretty clear the guy is in way over his head. He’s not knowledgeable of how federal agencies work, how the communications operations work. He botched this whole immigration rollout. This should’ve been a win for Donald, not two or three weeks of negative publicity.”

Now, I am no fan whatsoever of RP, but the whole immigration fiasco was the brainchild of Bannon and Sessions, not RP. I'm wondering if Agent Orange will throw RP under the bus and give Bannon his job too.

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Maybe it will be Flynn.



WASHINGTON — Embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn's fate as one of President Donald Trump's senior aides is uncertain following reports that he discussed U.S. sanctions with a Russian envoy before Trump's inauguration.

A top White House official sidestepped repeated chances Sunday to publicly defend him. The president, who spent the weekend at his private club in Florida, has yet to comment on Flynn's status. Nor has Vice President Mike Pence, who previously denied that Flynn had discussed sanctions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S.

You know if they don't publicly defend you it is not a good sign.

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Conway, quickly followed by Flynn and then Spicer.

Either way? This shit storm is about to fall apart. And hopefully before too much irreparable damage happens.

I feel sympathy already for the democrat who gets "clean up crew" next - assuming there is a next :(

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I was reading how he already wants a shakeup with his administration even though his full cabinet haven't had a meeting yet.

I thought Flynn would be first but since they don't care about his Russia mess then who would be next?

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Who gets off the island first?  Is it too much to ask for all of them? Every freaking one

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1 hour ago, candygirl200413 said:

I was reading how he already wants a shakeup with his administration even though his full cabinet haven't had a meeting yet.

I thought Flynn would be first but since they don't care about his Russia mess then who would be next?

Does he even have a full cabinet yet??

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9 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

Maybe it will be Flynn.


You know if they don't publicly defend you it is not a good sign.

That's for sure!

I can't believe that Trump and Co. had no idea that Flynn was discussing things with the Russian envoy. Just how many people are covering their asses and will throw Flynn under the bus when it's all over.

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Flynn or Priebus. 

Anyway, Kellyanne Conjob claims Flynn still has Trump's full confidence, so maybe Reince will be the first to walk the plank, be disappeared ,  burned at the stake,  guillotined, publicly humiliated or whatever the hell these people do.  Maybe there's a trapdoor in front of Trump's desk, and he  just presses a button to open it. 

But then there is talk that Priebus has Trump's full confidence.  



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Flynn is out: 


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