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Trump 11: Worse than Expected


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But at least we have new emoticons, so that's cool, I guess?



Sorry, but I couldn't get the hand basket one to work. 


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There is some precedent regarding Ivanka's daddy...  Harry Truman

When President Harry Truman picked up his "Washington Post" early on December 6, 1950, to read a review of his daughter Margaret Truman's singing performance, he was livid. Though conceding that Miss Truman was "extremely attractive," Paul Hume, the "Post's" music critic, stated bluntly that "Miss Truman cannot sing very well" and "has not improved" over the years. The president wrote the following letter to the 34-year old Hume, whom he compared to the columnist Westbrook Pegler ("a rat," in Truman's view). 

" I've just read your lousy review of Margaret's concert. I've come to the conclusion that you are an "eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay."

      ---Harry S Truman--



No, I'm not old enough to remember it first hand, but my mom does.

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Because Twitter is the best way to communicate with Kim Jong Un: "Trump tweets a red line for North Korea"



The Cold War was waged and won in many places, including this beach city, home to the Rand Corp. Created in 1948 to think about research and development as it effects military planning and procurement, Rand pioneered strategic thinking about nuclear weapons in the context of the U.S.-Soviet competition. Seven decades later, it is thinking about the nuclear threat from a nation created in 1948.

When Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that any North Korean use of nuclear weapons would draw an “effective and overwhelming” U.S. response, he did not, according to Rand’s Bruce W. Bennett, “overcommit” the president by saying that the response would be nuclear. But an overwhelming response could be.

On Jan. 1, North Korea’s 33-year-old leader, Kim Jong Un, said that his regime was at “the final stage in preparations to test-launch” an intercontinental ballistic missile, perhaps one capable of reaching the United States’ West Coast. On Jan. 2, Donald Trump tweeted: “It won’t happen!” He thereby drew a red line comparable to his predecessor’s concerning Syrian chemical weapons. So Trump, who excoriated Barack Obama for ignoring that red line, must, Bennett believes, be prepared to threaten actions that would prevent North Korea from learning from its test, actions such as shooting down the missile.

The United States has 30-some ground-based interceptor missiles at Fort Greely in Alaska and others at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This small capability is intended to cope with an accidental firing by an adversary, or an intentional firing by a rogue general, or to deter or defeat a deliberate attack by an adversary with a small nuclear arsenal, such as North Korea. Will the U.S. anti-ballistic-missile system work? Bennett says technologies can go wrong, so this would be an opportunity to fix any failures. And unless we then are prepared to shoot down theater-range ballistic missiles, we will signal less-than-convincing commitment to South Korea and Japan. To those who say it is premature to conclude that Kim is capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, Bennett says: In 1966, China, in its fourth nuclear test, just two years after its first, had a missile carry a nuclear weapon to its detonation over its western desert.

In 2006, William Perry, who had been defense secretary for Bill Clinton, and Ashton Carter, who would be Obama’s final defense secretary, recommended U.S. action to destroy any ICBM set for testing on a North Korean launch pad. But that nation’s conventional retaliatory capabilities, including artillery and rockets capable of inflicting considerable damage on at least Seoul’s northern suburbs, forestalled this. And North Korea has perhaps 1,000 tactical-range ballistic missiles capable of striking throughout South Korea and Japan. Furthermore, North Korea has cyberwar, commando and sabotage capabilities.

Today, U.S. surface ships and submarines alone could deliver dozens of cruise missiles, and each of up to 10 B-2 bombers could carry two Massive Ordnance Penetrators to destroy underground leadership or missile bunkers. But as soon as Kim has one or more ICBMs (probably road-mobile) capable of delivering, on short notice, a nuclear payload to, say, Santa Monica, preemptive U.S. action, even just against his nuclear infrastructure, might be too risky.

Furthermore, preparations for a more ambitious strike — against North Korean artillery and rockets, ports, airfields, command-and-control centers, leadership bunkers and forward-positioned forces — might be apparent and might provoke Kim to strike first against Seoul and U.S. forces in South Korea. South Korea talks openly of creating, this year, a “decapitation brigade” involving perhaps as many as 2,000 troops whose mission would be to eliminate North Korea’s leadership in the event of war.

Kim recently dismissed the head of his secret police, the latest sign of insecurity. Bennett believes Kim, undeterred by tweets, might test his ICBM for internal purposes — to impress restive North Korean elites. Bennett suggests that the threat to shoot down the test flight would constructively exacerbate Kim’s problems. As might U.S. propaganda, for example by reminding North Korean elites that China’s president has had eight summits with South Korea’s president in the past four years but never has had one with Kim, whom China apparently considers not important.

North Korea, which has been run opaquely for the Kim family’s benefit since 1953, is approaching a red line. Although the line was drawn before Trump took office, perhaps it represents continuity. It prefigured the kind of improvisational governance that has made his early weeks so interesting.

I think we are inching closer and closer to midnight on the doomsday clock.

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was this covered yet?  i thought it was fake news but no




Pennsylvania state Sen. Daylin Leach went after President Trump on Tuesday, branding him a “fascist, loofa-faced, s***-gibbon,” and challenging him to “come after me.”

Leach, a Philadelphia-area Democrat, posted a Politico report on Facebook about the president’s recent White House meeting with county sheriffs from across the country. During the meeting, one sheriff brought up civil asset forfeiture, a practice allowing law enforcement to seize money and property belonging to individuals accused of committing a crime, even before a verdict is handed down.

The sheriff, from Rockwall County, Texas, griped about a Texas state senator seeking to change the law so that a conviction would be required before a suspect’s assets could be seized.

The sheriff joked that “the cartel would build a monument” to the legislator.

“Who is the state senator? Do you want to give his name? We’ll destroy his career,” Trump responded.

Leach, an opponent of civil asset forfeiture, linked to the article on Facebook, adding, “Hey! I oppose civil asset forfeiture too. Why don’t you come after me you fascist, loofa-faced s***-gibbon!!” He posted a similar message to Twitter.

In an interview with Yahoo News, Leach’s spokesman, Steve Hoenstine, did not back down on the legislator’s comments.

“He’s never really been one to tiptoe around the issues,” Hoenstine said. “He says what he thinks, and he’s really angry in general about what Trump’s doing, and when he saw what Trump said about this other state senator, he took it a little personally because he’s been trying to pass civil asset forfeiture reform in Pennsylvania.”

“He makes the comment, and then everyone in the room just laughs, and it’s just so gross.”

Hoenstine also noted that Leach paid his way through law school performing stand-up comedy and runs his own social media accounts. The colorful posts were “not a surprise,” Hoenstine said.

After PhillyVoice.com wrote about Leach’s comments, the lawmaker proudly linked to that report on his Facebook page and wrote, “’S***-Gibbon’ goes viral! Maybe someday it will be written on my tombstone…or his.”



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Jeff Sessions confirmed as attorney general.

So a raging racist, a Nazi, and a teacher who has never taught. Fantastic.
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4 minutes ago, Jennifer Hart said:

Jeff Sessions confirmed as attorney general.


How many Democrats rolled over?

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7 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:



Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw... or I should I say this entire country.

I need a forty pound bag of Twizzlers, a vat of  triple dark chocolate ice cream and Vodka. Lots and lots of Vodka. I already popped a Xanax, so I'll have to forgo the Vodka.

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20 minutes ago, Destiny said:

So a raging racist, a Nazi, and a teacher who has never taught. Fantastic.

Yeah, that sounds like the beginning of a really bad walking into a bar joke.

I just would hope if they walked into that one bar in St. Louis a certain couple men would tell them what the fuck we care, you don't drink our beer anyways, and tell them to get fucking lost.

25 minutes ago, tropaka said:

Yeah I did cover that earlier. 

I replied to his tweet to ask him if we could clone him a few thousand times and have him run for every single public office here in Iowa.


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1 minute ago, onekidanddone said:

I apologize to any West Virginian in advace ..but FUCK West Virginia.  Is he inbreed or something?

Overall, West Virginia is known for being racist. The whole poor redneck, supremacist mindset is huge there so not surprised by that vote. No offense to anyone. It's just what I've seen first hand. It's Trump central.

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Yep, real downgrade.  Fornicate you, Republicans.

BTW...that outfit the Fornicating Hole of a Donkey has on...is it me or is that suit about two sizes two small for him?

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Has anyone ever noticed that some of the most thin skinned and hypocritical people on the planet are Trump supporters? I am a member of another forum, and there was recently a discussion about a Youtuber and their current social media postings slamming people that went to the Women's March. The Youtuber in question is a Trumper and has an young adult son that posts some of the most vile and misogynistic crap I have ever seen in my life on his public social media accounts. The Youtuber claims to be pro-woman and makes her living off of women. Many of us were discussing this and have been for a few days now. Tonight a particular poster, that happens to be the meanest with their unnecessary commentary, is currently pitching a fit saying people should not be mean to Don or question his supporters. Yes, makes perfect sense. Do not be mean to Asshat or his Asshat fans, but Asshat and his Asshat fans can be mean to everyone. 

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56 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Yep, real downgrade.  Fornicate you, Republicans.

BTW...that outfit the Fornicating Hole of a Donkey has on...is it me or is that suit about two sizes two small for him?

The Orange One insists that there is a conspiracy among dry cleaners to shrink his suits.  SAD!

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I just want to thank whoever introduced a link to BreakingBurgh.com, which I think surpasses The Onion.  First there was "Grizzlies Flee America's Classrooms Following Confirmation of Betsy DeVos" and right now I'm on 


China And Nordstrom Sign Mutual Defense Treaty

Following threats by the President of the United States of America directed at Nordstrom, the upscale department store has accepted a defense guarantee offered by the Peoples Republic of China in an effort to forestall any forthcoming attacks.

President Xi Jinping confirmed the pact today by saying that any military attack upon Nordstrom would be considered the same as an attack on the Chinese mainland.  “Force directed against Nordstrom will be met with force”, warned the Chinese Premier, followed by a phrase that roughly translates to “Believe me”.

The pact is seen to be benefit both parties as China sells many of its products in Nordstrom, and for its part Nordstrom is a department store without a standing army that is being threatened by a madman who controls bombers and nuclear weapons......The mutual defense aspect of the treaty also requires that Nordstrom come to the defense of China should it be attacked, which will be explained in a memo to be distributed to employees tomorrow.

Now I'm off to read "Satan Reportedly Upset Over Frequent Comparisons To Steve Bannon"

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28 minutes ago, Mecca said:

Has anyone ever noticed that some of the most thin skinned and hypocritical people on the planet are Trump supporters? I am a member of another forum, and there was recently a discussion about a Youtuber and their current social media postings slamming people that went to the Women's March. The Youtuber in question is a Trumper and has an young adult son that posts some of the most vile and misogynistic crap I have ever seen in my life on his public social media accounts. The Youtuber claims to be pro-woman and makes her living off of women. Many of us were discussing this and have been for a few days now. Tonight a particular poster, that happens to be the meanest with their unnecessary commentary, is currently pitching a fit saying people should not be mean to Don or question his supporters. Yes, makes perfect sense. Do not be mean to Asshat or his Asshat fans, but Asshat and his Asshat fans can be mean to everyone. 

I've noticed that too, that some of the most vile people out there tend to be rather orange in their political views.  Orange Ferret Face gave them all permission to be out in the open with their racism, misogyny, homophobia, and so on.

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Yep, real downgrade.  Fornicate you, Republicans.

BTW...that outfit the Fornicating Hole of a Donkey has on...is it me or is that suit about two sizes two small for him?

It's the adult-sized diapers!!

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1 minute ago, AuntK said:

It's the adult-sized diapers!!

I should be saying TMI.  But then again I brought this on myself by asking about it in the first place. 

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Yep, real downgrade.  Fornicate you, Republicans.

Downgrade to bubble butt. Sad!  #Frump #Bigly 

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

I've noticed that too, that some of the most vile people out there tend to be rather orange in their political views.  Orange Ferret Face gave them all permission to be out in the open with their racism, misogyny, homophobia, and so on.

It drives me nuts! While they go around claiming we all need coloring books and call us snowflakes, they get pissed off about Starbucks coffee cups. I would rather be called a snowflake for actually doing something such as marching and protesting for what I believe in than to sit on my ass and moan on Facebook about a freaking coffee cup. 

In other news: I have my first Huddle meeting with association of the Women's March this Saturday. It will be nice to meet up with other likeminded people in my area and get to work. I am ready to beat down some doors and be the charming pest I can be when I need to. 

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20 minutes ago, Mecca said:

It drives me nuts! While they go around claiming we all need coloring books and call us snowflakes, they get pissed off about Starbucks coffee cups. I would rather be called a snowflake for actually does my something such as marching and protesting for what I believe in than to sit on my ass and moan on Facebook about a freaking coffee cup. 

In other news: I have my first Huddle meeting with association of the Women's March this Saturday. It will be nice to meet up with other likeminded people in my area and get to work. I am ready to beat down some doors and be the charming pest I can be when I need to. 

The meeting I had at the UU Church was awesome.  We all need to keep reminding ourselves.  We are not alone.  We are not alone.

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