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Lori Alexander 15: Leaving A Fire With Her Makeup Bag


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14 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I'm guessing your mama was not a woman to be trifled with...

She's a tiny little 110lb ball of dammit. But she's fun! :my_biggrin:

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52 minutes ago, onemama said:

She gladly accepts compliments with no regard for the wives of the men who are complimenting her.  Wives they complain about on her blog.  In my opinion, Lori has lost all credibility as a "titus 2 woman". 

I am so glad you pointed that out.  

Lori prattles on and on about how "immodest women are mean women" for turning other women's husbands on.  She has endless posts about yoga pants and thongs, and pretty much anything else she can think of that would take her creepy husband's attention off her, yet she has no problem with a married man telling her (a married woman) how beautiful she is.  

Those comments should have been deleted before they ever saw the light of her blog, but the truth is, Lori loved being fawned all over.  As she says, she would definitely describe herself as a "taker", and I guess that includes the attentions of another man's wife.  

Can you imagine how Dave's wife would have felt reading those comments?  Or how about Earl's wife (the guy who's always talking to Lori about his sex life)?  Or how about Charles (yet another man who likes to complain to Lori about his wife not putting out)?  

Lori allows those comments because they flatter her, and she couldn't possibly care an less about the women who are being hurt in the process.

It's shameful, and she should be embarrassed by both their behavior, and her own.

Lori likes to talk Bible, so here's a verse for her:

1 Thessalonians 5:22


 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

I am pretty sure that would include gossiping about other women on her blog.  I am pretty sure that would include talking to married men about sex.  I am pretty sure that would include actually being kind to others.  I am damn sure that it would include not allowing married men to tell you how beautiful you are.

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Right, you abstain so you don't give the appearance (whether true or not) to not get people talking. She rationalizes the hell out of it though by saying these men's voices are important to the discussion so other women can learn how men think. Its all a cover so she can justify the attention. 

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I am kind of cracking up, because THE SAME DAY Lori posted about how women should not teach the Bible in public, she had this exchange with a MAN on her PUBLIC Facebook.

Not only is she teaching the Bible, she is teaching a man (which she claims she doesn't do).



 I get his point but he's going too far. Even Jesus said that adultery was grounds for divorce.



Only for those who have hardened hearts and he never commanded divorce for anything but tells us to forgive 70 X 7 times, love your enemies, and heal burning coals (love) upon their heads.



No ma'am, He doesn't say anything about having a hardened heart in Matt 5:32. And just because you divorce someone for committing adultery doesn't mean you don't love them or haven't forgiven them.



"Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way." (Matt. 19:8) Divorce reaps way too many awful long term consequences and should be avoided at all costs, especially for the children, grandchildren, etc.



 I think He was saying that was under the old covenant, the very next verse He says "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, EXCEPT IT BE FOR FORNICATION, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery."
(Matthew 19:9)



He's not giving the green light for divorce here. He's just saying IF a person were to remarry after a spouse has committed adultery, the one who put them away isn't committing adultery. This isn't the same as saying it's okay to divorce for this reason.



Then why is that the only way you can get remarried without committing adultery?



As believers, we should not divorce. It is clear we forgive, bear all things, endure all things, hope all things, and believe all things for love never fails. What God has joined together let NO man tear asunder.



Ok I guess we'll just agree to disagree. I think Jesus is saying one thing, you think He's saying something else. But thanks for disagreeing with me in a civilized manner as opposed to just arguing.

Lori says feminine women don't argue, yet here is a clear illustration of the fact that she would argue with a sign post.  Again, this is THE SAME DAY that her entire post was dedicated to explaining why women should teach the Bible in public, and after countless posts about why women should never teach men.

It would be hilarious, if it wasn't completely pathetic that a human being could be so lacking in self awareness. 


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Kevin is being way too kind by saying she wasn't arguing. Why didn't Ken jump in on that?  Does Lori love her enemies, does she love us here at FJ, her trolls, those who disagree and edits their comments? I doubt it. Does she forgive those who leave negative book reviews 70x7? Who says that all marriages are brought together by God in the first place?

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9 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Does she forgive those who leave negative book reviews 70x7?

Nope, but if you'd be so kind as to give her their phone numbers, she has a thing or two she'd like to tell them. <---yes, Lori really did try to get the phone number of a woman who left a negative review. 

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I'm sure if the wives of Lori's little MRA fanboys expressed any hurt to her about any of this, she would tell them they are just giving in to evil feelings and being bad wives.

I recall a lot of talk at Christian school about women being more emotional than men. But even in all the dysfunctional nonsense they taught, no one was so adamant that all emotions were as downright evil and sinful as Lori makes them out to be. At most the people who went on about women and feelings there considered them a possible weakness in some situations. I have to wonder why Lori has that preoccupation. How much has Ken (or parents or someone else before him?) belittled her emotions over the years?

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26 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

I'm sure if the wives of Lori's little MRA fanboys expressed any hurt to her about any of this, she would tell them they are just giving in to evil feelings and being bad wives.

YES! She would call it self-pity and self-pity is satanic!  You would be feeling pity for yourself that your husband talks to other women online. Its your fault for not being pretty enough or respectful enough or why else would the men need to talk to other women online. If you didn't give him enough bad examples of how a a wife should be, he wouldn't have anything to talk about and no need to comment at Lori's. 

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So... Question. If women are so awful, so emotional & terrible... How do they justify our existence? God is omnipotent, he could have simply made the one version of the species & made it capable of reproduction at will. Why would God create such a flawed creature only to have it suffer in servitude it's entire existence? 

And if Adam & Eve are the answer to the question, why didn't Adam just tell her no? Wasn't he the smarter (dominant) one? Or were Adam & Eve equal until the serpent showed up? 

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26 minutes ago, Imrlgoddess said:

So... Question. If women are so awful, so emotional & terrible...

1-How do they justify our existence?

2-God is omnipotent, he could have simply made the one version of the species & made it capable of reproduction at will. Why would God create such a flawed creature only to have it suffer in servitude it's entire existence? 

3-And if Adam & Eve are the answer to the question, why didn't Adam just tell her no? Wasn't he the smarter (dominant) one? Or were Adam & Eve equal until the serpent showed up? 

1-obeying, breeding, dutifully giving men their pleasure, cooking and cleaning;

2-personally I have no esteem for Lori's mean  and absurd god, it seems that for being all knowing and all powerful he has left lots of loopholes; also if I have to judge by his self proclaimed prophetess, well I guess it's a good thing I am agnostic;

3-Adam thought "oh well she did it first so I can always say it's her fault and she made me stumble. I get what I want plus she'll bear the consequences for the millennia to come". ETA that or he was hungry and thought it was his big salad for the day.

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15 minutes ago, Imrlgoddess said:

And if Adam & Eve are the answer to the question, why didn't Adam just tell her no? Wasn't he the smarter (dominant) one? Or were Adam & Eve equal until the serpent showed up? 

I think Adam trusted her and the fall messed up that relationship.  Of course, Dave, Trey, the Baylys, Michael Pearl and anyone else who is trying to justify the subordination of women will say that Woman was always supposed to be subordinate to man and her sin was that she usurped authority.  Those who want to justify men ruling will say that Adam's sin was to follow her instead of asserting his authority.  

It's funny how they like to teach that "women are more easily deceived" because Eve was deceived, but then they say men should lead when Adam, the father of the human race, knowingly went ahead and sinned.  What's worse, being deceived and making a mistake, or knowing that what you're doing is wrong and doing it anyway?  Which of the two can be trusted to lead? 

I'm probably giving you more than you were asking for.... 

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Thank you! @laPapessaGiovanna & @onemama 

I guess it all comes down to the sub/dom relationship. There can only be one dominant and I guess in their world any sub is lesser in every way possible. I've never understood that particular relationship, even from a BDSM perspective. At least in that lifestyle there seems to be mutual respect between participants. 

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38 minutes ago, Imrlgoddess said:

So... Question. If women are so awful, so emotional & terrible... How do they justify our existence? God is omnipotent, he could have simply made the one version of the species & made it capable of reproduction at will. 

I agree - it doesn't make sense. Also, if women were as terrible and utterly depraved as Lori et al make out, surely even the promise of sex and servitude wouldn't make men want to marry them, especially men who are as purportedly rational as Ken, Trey, Dave, Cabinetman, Ben etc. I mean, if it took 20 years(?) for the Godly Mentor herself to become a 'transformed wife' - what hope is there for ordinary women?

It appears that MRA commenter Ben is divorced. Doesn't Lori disagree with divorce under all circumstances? I can't see her criticising him, though, funnily enough.

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5 minutes ago, childerowland said:

I agree - it doesn't make sense. Also, if women were as terrible and utterly depraved as Lori et al make out, surely even the promise of sex and servitude wouldn't make men want to marry them, especially men who are as purportedly rational as Ken, Trey, Dave, Cabinetman, Ben etc. I mean, if it took 20 years(?) for the Godly Mentor herself to become a 'transformed wife' - what hope is there for ordinary women?

It appears that MRA commenter Ben is divorced. Doesn't Lori disagree with divorce under all circumstances? I can't see her criticising him, though, funnily enough.

Lori posted recently that just now at 85 her mom has become a submissive wife! It was said under the banner of "there is a hope for all". I just laughed thinking....YEAH....after 50 or more years of a miserable marriage it can finally be nice on your deathbed. Not to mention for the poor husband.  Oddly enough Lori claims her mom gave her Debi Pearl's book 10 years ago or so, so I guess he mom didn't actually read it an apply it before giving it to Lori. 


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Lori has posted a new video. I stopped watching fairly quickly because she refers to the last book of the Bible as REVELATIONS. I even rewound to be sure. I just can't with this woman. 

@Ken the book is Revelation - singular. It is The Revelation to John; or The Revelation that Jesus made known to His people through an angel He sent to John. How can a serious scholar of The Bible have this bad habit of pronouncing a book of the Bible incorrectly?? How can you let Lori represent you and your faith when she makes such a juvenile mistake?  If she does not care enough about her ministry to get her Biblical references precisely right, what good is she doing?  This is not the first time she has so flippantly brushed off reference errors in her little teaching videos. 

You want to know where I had this correct pronunciation (also the very important context) pounded into my head? At a very evil conservative Christian college, that's where. If a student pronounced that "s" you could hear the professor's voice throughout the building... "REVELATIONNNNNNNNNN!" 

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2 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

Thank you! @laPapessaGiovanna & @onemama 

I guess it all comes down to the sub/dom relationship. There can only be one dominant and I guess in their world any sub is lesser in every way possible. I've never understood that particular relationship, even from a BDSM perspective. At least in that lifestyle there seems to be mutual respect between participants. 

I write erotic romance under the BDSM umbrella. The dom/sub dynamic within a BDSM relationship is NOTHING to do with Christianity as the Bible describes it, but scarily very similar to the way Dave, Trey and his ilk think it should be. The difference, though, is that in BDSM, the sub CHOOSES to submit - they actually talk about it, establish ground rules, limits etc, and the sub (can be either gender) makes an informed decision and CONSENTS to the dynamic. Dave, Trey etc. think the woman should automatically hand over this authority, never mind about consent or the way she truly feels. To Dave, Trey etc there is no need for consent, because provision was made for that in the Bible. Except that it wasn't.

Also, in BDSM it isn't always a 24/7 dynamic, often it's just role-play for a short time, purely something sexual. Dave, Trey and the likes insist on it being 24/7, with the man (always the man, the woman can never be in charge unlike in BDSM) making all the rules (without neccessarily discussing it with the wife - unlike BDSM when it's all discussed and agreed upon first) and the wife having no say in the matter.

Yes, there is generally mutual respect in a healthy BDSM relationship, but it's primarily a sexual kink, so sometimes the sub might actually *get off* (for want of a better term) on being humiliated or whatever ... but again, it's all consensual - the Dom has permission to treat the sub this way.

I truly think that Dave, Ben, Trey and whoever else have taken their sexual kinks/perversions to extremes and because they're ashamed of the way they feel, try to justify it by twisting scripture to match the way they think, and force it to be acceptable and good and the way God intended.  IT ISN'T. I can't stress this enough. If someone is into BDSM, fine. That's nothing to be ashamed about. Plenty of others also enjoy the lifestyle. But to force someone into it who doesn't enjoy the lifestyle, and pretend it is the biblically-correct way to live, and that the woman "has to obey because God said so and if she doesn't the man can punish her because God said so" is not only wrong, it is absolutely sickening.

BDSM without full consent, is abuse. The way Trey, Dave etc. view marriage is also abuse.

Sorry for my long, ranting, rambling post, this is just a subject that I feel very strongly about.

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@KDA thank you for the candor! I wrack my brain trying to understand why or how men such as these can find their level of submission attractive or endearing. The only thing I can come up with is deep seeded self deprication that manifests into this ultimate need to control.  They never talk about love or mutual affection. They never give mutual respect any validation. 

A BDSM relationship as you describe it sounds intriguing & intimate. The dominant/submissive relationship they project is frightening & they make it all feel disgusting. After I finish reading their back & forth with Lori, all I want to do is go wash & watch a kids animal movie. 


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2 hours ago, KDA said:

I truly think that Dave, Ben, Trey and whoever else have taken their sexual kinks/perversions to extremes and because they're ashamed of the way they feel, try to justify it by twisting scripture to match the way they think, and force it to be acceptable and good and the way God intended.  IT ISN'T. 

I wish I could like this a thousand times!

And Lori can be added to that list as I have no doubt that she gets off on encouraging her male readers To be abusive. 

Most people would read erotic stories, Lori is a monster! 



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I know plenty of men who have jobs that don't involve going up and down ladders all day with tools and lumber and metal.  Some even have desk jobs.

The funny thing is that by this standard of "man's job", Ken and their sons don't have real jobs either...

@KDA, pretty much yes to everything you said.



Yes, there is generally mutual respect in a healthy BDSM relationship, but it's primarily a sexual kink, so sometimes the sub might actually *get off* (for want of a better term) on being humiliated or whatever ... but again, it's all consensual - the Dom has permission to treat the sub this way.

There's also the whole idea that consent can be withdrawn if the sub chooses, which these people do not allow for.

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From Lori's latest (2/27) post:

First, I get tired of her posting re-prints and either not giving credit or not noting her source when she does give credit. That's just my do your due diligence pet peeve.

Then, this wonder:


He too gets tired and who will comfort him?

Apparently women never tire and never need comforting. She's a piece of work.

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47 minutes ago, -KB said:

From Lori's latest (2/27) post:

First, I get tired of her posting re-prints and either not giving credit or not noting her source when she does give credit. That's just my do your due diligence pet peeve.

Then, this wonder:

Apparently women never tire and never need comforting. She's a piece of work.

We're helpmeets, made to help and support our husbands.  Like the Proverbs 31 woman, we should work tirelessly (always from home)  while our husbands sit in the gates. 

But we are the weaker vessel. Let us accept that condition with humility and be grateful for those strong men willing to marry us and protect us if we'll only submit to them and obey them. Don't ask me what they protect us from... a bullet, maybe, if it ever comes our way and husband happens to be around and in the mood to interfere. 


 she lost her husband in 2012 in a work related accident, leaving her with eight children to raise by herself.

 Lori, ,dear, you can't compare your comfortable life to this woman's, ok?  Stop using everyone else's experiences as "teaching material".  You have no idea, so just shut up.


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And Dave, of course...



On sentence particularly struck me [my emphasis]: “I wish wives everywhere would honor and love their husbands and REALIZE IT IS THEIR ONLY TASTE OF HEAVEN HERE ON EARTH.”

Those are extremely confident and extremely black and white words she uses.

Is she a prophet –“daughters shall prophesy” — that Acts 2:17 speaks of? Is this connected to Titus 2:5: women actually do taste heaven when they ensure that ‘the word of God is not blasphemed”?



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Once again, I have failed the Lori test. Came home from school...brain baked (teach for 4 hours, in class for 4 hours). Hubs promptly put the coffee on (let's hear it for the elixir of life), made dinner, unloaded the dishwasher, folded laundry...what have I done? Changed my clothes, plopped my not so fat ass (but the rest of me is) on the couch and haven't really moved. Me & Big Stupid had a nice long cuddle session. 

It's nice to be loved...

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4 hours ago, onemama said:

We're helpmeets, made to help and support our husbands.  Like the Proverbs 31 woman, we should work tirelessly (always from home)  while our husbands sit in the gates. 

But we are the weaker vessel. Let us accept that condition with humility and be grateful for those strong men willing to marry us and protect us if we'll only submit to them and obey them


Considering women are 'the weaker vessel', they seem to have twice as much work expected of them than the greater, all powerful man. 

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1 hour ago, Gemini said:

Considering women are 'the weaker vessel', they seem to have twice as much work expected of them than the greater, all powerful man. 

No! It's all a blessing!  He provides by the sweat of his brow  and calls the shots, we obey and do everything else. 

You're right. Women get all the responsibility with no authority.  All this weaker vessel and proverbs 31 and 1st Peter 3 talk just doesn't fit together. We're either weaker, in need of protection and provision -if not from hubby, then from the Church-. or we're equals, who carry equal weight of responsibility and have equal authority.  


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