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Which Duggar Will Escape First?


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I imagine there's already a thread somewhere for this (my apologies for being redundant if there is!). My question:  If someone was taking bets, which Duggar would you put money on to be the first to escape? 

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One of the twins. Or maybe Jason. Then one or two of the lost girls. Those will be the lnes to compleatly escape. The other kids or will stick to the quiverfull mindset or at least fake it. In a few years most of the kids will start developing "infertility problems"

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I am not optimistic that any of them will, but I am hopeful.  Realistically, I think it may be Josh. He is the least godly and once the media is finally dead around the family, I imagine they will shun him.  My fingers are crossed for the howlers and lost girls as well.  However, nothing would make me happier then if Jana escaped! That girl needs a vacation. She has put in a lifetime of work already. Sadly, I think Jana is a lifer. 

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I've used it before, I'll used it again! lol! I don't know which will escape first, I don't think that it will be for a while. Perhaps one of the younger boys or girls. 


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Call me an optimist. But I think someone will leave soon enough. Too much shit is going on for no one to start questioning things. And JB&M are already burned out and busy with Josh to care about breaking other kids.

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I don't expect any of them to "escape" in a dramatic way. I think some of the younger ones will gradually start to drift away from the family melodrama and quietly adopt some more mainstream lifestyle patterns, but I don't predict anyone will storm off or completely disconnect from their parents or conservative Christianity.

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John is drifting, own house, own income but no wife.

Josh doesn't believe the fundy stuff, whether he has the guts to admit this to himself or to leave is another question.

Jessa may change to what ever will make her money & attention.

As AlwaysExcited said, J&M are to busy with Josh & money & older kids (the married and marriageable ones) to focus on breaking the littles and middles.  Those kids have far more freedom than the big ones.  They also don't have small siblings to worry about being cut off from should they do a big break, and know that Josh did very bad things without getting cut off.


John & others - may drift to fundy lite/conservatism

Josh may have a break down/run - of  the older crowd he's the most likely for a dramatic exit from duggardom.


Any of the howler's/lost girls could run - possibly in a pair, or they could go use a drifting older sibling to drift even further.

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I have a hard time picturing any of them truly escaping. While I don't at all consider going fundie-lite/conservative Christian leaving the lifestyle no matter what JB/Michelle might think about that, I think JD might be there, at least mentally. As a man though, things are pretty easy for him so I can see him never being public about it, since keeping up appearances wouldn't be much of a hardship. 

If anyone does completely cut ties, I think it will be one of the younger kids. Since their parents aren't the ones that raised them, I suspect it would be a lot easier for them to defy them when they get older. The older children seem more emotionally attached to their parents, so whatever they might actually feel about their lifestyle, their parents' feelings and public image would be a major consideration. 

I have this fantasy about Jana or Jessa leaving, though. Something about Jana when she's forced on camera sometimes, the way she doesn't even try to be a decent actress (her behavior while planning Jill's wedding was striking to me)...I like to imagine that that's a deliberate defiance and that she's hiding a whole lot of rage. And Jessa--I think she's one of the least likely to leave, but if she does, it would be spectacular. Imagine all that hateful arrogance directed towards fundamentalism. She wins as the Duggar most likely to write a tell all, and she really would tell all.

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I think it will be one of the boy twins.  Mainly Jer.  He seems to be over itHe'll make the first break and Jed will follow.      

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Josh break will be big but I think it is a couple of years down the line when he has done something stupid again, unless he now is at a stage where his mental health is so bad that he can't return and even act normal. In that case I think he will have to have treatment and the treatment will lead to him leaving, with or without Anna. Either way, I think they will divorce at some point. My feeling is that one of the ones that are now just over 18 or will turn 18 in 1-2 years will leave. They have seen the madness of the Josh scandal as an adult or near adult and as much as they might have tried to shelter them I don't think they will be unaware. They will start to want something else.

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Josh has already left, if he comes back I cannot see it lasting.  He may only come back because he sees no where else to go--but then (hopefully) he realizes he can make money by writing tell all! :sleuth:

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100% would put my money on Jenny.

That kid hates her life.

My heart breaks each time I see a video or photo of her. I really hope she grows up to be happier. Poor kid. 

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Does leaving the Duggarland to join another cult counts as "escaping"? Because Jessa might do that. She seems to carve for meaning, and Duggar/Gothard theology is not very deep.

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Like others I'd say the Lost Girls, especially Jenni and Jordyn. Jenni always looks miserable and has no real connection to Michelle. And, ever since Josie The Wunderkind was born, when she was barely even a year old, poor Jordyn has been shafted. Hannie's smiles look increasingly forced too. 

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I think it's realistic that out of 19, some will escape. Who? I don't know, I thing it's really hard to tell when you only know them from a very staged tlc show. The younger kids will probably have it easier, but I could imagine that one of the older ones leaves too, maybe when they are in their 30s or 40s. 

The Duggar kids are all still pretty young, Joshly isn't 30 yet, and many of them aren't even 18. I would give it another 10-15 years until things really start to change.

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Jenny and Hannie......and they'll take Jordyn with them.

Other than that, maybe whichever it is of the howler twins that constantly looks like he's about to lose it. 

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I think it's realistic that out of 19, some will escape. Who? I don't know, I thing it's really hard to tell when you only know them from a very staged tlc show. The younger kids will probably have it easier, but I could imagine that one of the older ones leaves too, maybe when they are in their 30s or 40s. 

The Duggar kids are all still pretty young, Joshly isn't 30 yet, and many of them aren't even 18. I would give it another 10-15 years until things really start to change.

I agree. I think also that there are many ways to gradually ease away without necessarily having a dramatic "escape."  


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After reading the posts here I think most likely if there is going to be an escape it will be one of the lost girls. I agree with the few that said probably a few will gradually move to a fundie-light. Maybe sending their kids to a normal school or home school with a normal program that's not ATI ( the ones that are married and have kids that is ;) )

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I think if tlc gets out of their lives the younger kids are most likely to have one that says "f this I want to go to college" and leaves.


currently, I think Josh or John David are most likely.


josh because he straight up doesn't believe in this shit and is probably sick of the charade. He's too selfish and the best thing for him, his wife, and his kids would be for him to GTFO. There's no better time than now for him to leave, PR-wise. It would help his image to leave.

John David doesn't like the spotlight and never seems thrilled to be apart of Duggar activities. However I think he loves his family, and especially being an uncle.  He's already done the near impossible Duggar-wise: He's got a job and a home of his own. I could see him being a lot like Anna's brother- stays very religious and conservative, but leaves the cult itself. I think for John David a lot of his life is toeing the line so he has both access to the money (plane), some independence, and his parents approval. It's a balancing act for him.

i don't think any of the older girls are getting out. Joy makes me sad because she still seems like such a child, and yet she will be expected to marry soonish. I can't believe she's eighteen. As for Jana she's too timid, and she has too many kids left to raise. My guess is Jessa's in it for money and fame more than actual faithfulness, but this is how the bills get paid so she will stay. Jinger I just can't see leaving. I don't really have a reason- she's not as timid as Jana, but I don't see a lot of gumption there either. She's probably at least comfortable with her life.

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Jessa might pull an Alyssa Bates and start dressing more liberally/quietly going more in the direction of Fundie Lite, though she could feasibly do the big dramatic How I Broke Free cover-of-People-style escape if she decides she could get more money and attention that way.

Josh checked out of the cult a long while ago but can't admit it to himself and his family. He's stuck.

John-David is trying to pull a Zach Bates but can't find a lady (and it's even harder now, thanks to Josh).

Joy won't leave because she loves/seeks approval and validation from Jill, and Jill is fully on board with the cult.

The three youngest girls might make a break for it, but Jenni would probably only do it if Josie and Jordyn went for it; I think she's just so beaten down that she might not have the confidence and will to escape on her own.

Jinger is Jessa's Gretchen Wieners, so she'd likely only make a move towards freedom if Jessa did.

I've said it loads of times: Josie has the best chance. She's already the Golden Child with a lot more leeway to do what she wants, her parents barely give a shit about her now and likely indulge her out of a mix of relief that she lived (this is how my preemie younger cousin grew to be the worst toddler ever) and to placate her so she'll leave them alone, and she will have even less control once she's old enough to make the decision to leave. Jim Bob and Michelle will be in their sixties, likely in poor health (Jana will be forced to care for them), and even more checked out than they are now. And they very well might see Rebel Josie as a money making opportunity, so if Josie breaking free on her own volition doesn't work, she might be able to live with the illusion of freedom.

Jana is likely stuck unless she marries someone -- I could see her pulling an Alyssa Bates as her ultimate escape, since I think she hates her life, but she's kinda sneaky about how she shows it. An Alyssa Bates-style escape would be sneakier than a huge How I Broke Free escape.

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