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Horny virgins and other MRA contradictions


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I've been making some rounds on the MRA blogs and it's like watching a train wreck.


Take the horny virgin phenomenon. These men complain about how modern women all want to have sex, and then complain that wives don't have enough sex with their husbands. I've saw at least one man say that his ideal wife is a horny virgin. A woman who is chaste with men, but once she gets married, all she wants to do is have sex with him. Yes, because female sexuality is all about making it a male fantasy. Women should only have a libido once you put a ring on her, prior to that, she should care less about sex. MRAs hate women who have sex with other men, but also get upset if the same women don't have sex with them and ON DEMAND.


The other issue is the SAHM vs gold digger debate they have. They all believe women have a natural tendency to want to stay home, but then complain that modern women are gold diggers who want to marry a rich guy. This makes little sense to me. If you support the idea that all women should stay home, then shouldn't a prudent women WANT to look at her husband's provider status? After all, if you close the option of letting women work, then the result is women will seek economic stability through her husband. It's.....kind of financially sensible.


These MRA men live in a delusional world. It's a world where women should be chaste until they meet their husband, after which they should be horny wives who will have sex at will. It's where women have the role of homemaker and men the role of breadwinner, but women who want to look for good breadwinners are "gold diggers" because it's only the women who should hold up her end of the gender role bargain.


I think most MRAs are the "losers" in the world. Unemployed, single or divorced. They can't hold onto a good job or a decent girl. So they create this fantasy that prior to feminism, the world would have have been perfect for them. They could whore around before marrying a virginal wife. Upon marriage, they gained a maid and sex slave but, unlike affording a house or wagon cart, the MRA men wouldn't need to expend capital to acquire said wife since women would marry for love rather than money.


These weird contradictions hits me every time I read the MRA blogs. Does anyone else see these weird contradictions? I feel MRAs make fundies look almost sane by comparison. At least fundies pay lip service to male chastity and they don't have that weird "SAHM are gold diggers" attitude. In fact, fundies try to recreate, however imperfectly, the world that was. MRA bloggers just...make up stuff as they go along.

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I've seen these contradictions.

MRAs want a stepford wife. They want a woman they can posses, who will give them sex and cook and clean and otherwise run the household entirely on her own and they don't want to have to do a damn thing to deserve her. Treating a woman like a person and earning a good enough income to support at least two people is just too much work.

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MRAs are creepy. And I'm a horrible woman for calling them creepy. After all, only ugly men get called creepy. It has nothing to do with their behaviour, it's all about how "hot" they are.

Yeah, F-that-shit.

What gives me hope is that some of the men I hang around with actually think MRAs are creepy, too. YAY! Not all men are like that.

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Take the horny virgin phenomenon. These men complain about how modern women all want to have sex, and then complain that wives don't have enough sex with their husbands. I've saw at least one man say that his ideal wife is a horny virgin. A woman who is chaste with men, but once she gets married, all she wants to do is have sex with him. Yes, because female sexuality is all about making it a male fantasy. Women should only have a libido once you put a ring on her, prior to that, she should care less about sex. MRAs hate women who have sex with other men, but also get upset if the same women don't have sex with them and ON DEMAND.

The other issue is the SAHM vs gold digger debate they have. They all believe women have a natural tendency to want to stay home, but then complain that modern women are gold diggers who want to marry a rich guy. This makes little sense to me. If you support the idea that all women should stay home, then shouldn't a prudent women WANT to look at her husband's provider status? After all, if you close the option of letting women work, then the result is women will seek economic stability through her husband. It's.....kind of financially sensible.

These attitudes stem from a desire, rooted in fear, to possess, control, and monopolize women and their sexuality. It causes these men a great deal of anxiety to know that women can control their own destinies - while these MRA fools probably can't even control their bowels.

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I found out the other day that MRAs have been defined as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre.

Reading SSMs comments, the people there are weird. Any 'normal' person male or female would know that they are deluded and have had minimal interaction with the kind of women they make up stories about.

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What exactly are MRA blogs? I'm not familiar with the term.

I keep thinking "Male Real Assholes" but that's probably not it.

Mens' Rights Advocate

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There was a wonderful insightful humorous essay all the way back in 1971 called "Why I Want a Wife". It's written by a woman wishing that she could be entitled to have someone to fulfill all the roles for her that wives are expected to fulfill for men. Sadly, over 40 years later it is still amazingly relevant. Here's the text for any who are interested:


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There was a wonderful insightful humorous essay all the way back in 1971 called "Why I Want a Wife". It's written by a woman wishing that she could be entitled to have someone to fulfill all the roles for her that wives are expected to fulfill for men. Sadly, over 40 years later it is still amazingly relevant. Here's the text for any who are interested:


That was great! Thanks for posting. Can't wait to share with my female friends who all want wives, too.

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The funny thing is that I am a virgin, and I have a high sex drive so I could easily see myself having sex every day (obviously in ideal circumstances) once I'm married/in a long term relationship. BUT I would never, ever, in a million years choose one of these assholes. So in this particular way I'm kind of their ideal woman and yet I'm completely disgusted by them and would never be with them. :lol: I'm also not a size 0 and I have a mind of my own, so I'm sure those qualities would disqualify me anyway. Ho hum.

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What exactly are MRA blogs? I'm not familiar with the term.

I keep thinking "Male Real Assholes" but that's probably not it.

But it is close enough!

These weird contradictions hits me every time I read the MRA blogs. Does anyone else see these weird contradictions?

Definitely. It's hard to miss them because their blogs are chock full of them. Women are teh evil when they work outside the home, because they're taking away jobs that should rightfully go to the men, and women are teh evil if they are homemakers not working outside the home, because then they're parasites living off the fruits of someone else's labours. It's a lose-lose situation with them.

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The commenters on SSM's blog also seem to think that it is only a matter of time before we silly women are replaced with sex-bots and then we will regret ever being so damn difficult... :lol:

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Another contradiction: Women should stay at home and take care of the kids, because that is the most important. However, once they divorce, those lazy-assed women should stop asking for child support and get out there and work.

Women should marry young and have kids right away. Yet they should never just expect a man to support them!

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And every man is entitled to a hot, fit, Cool Girl, rated-10, woman, no matter how low on the scale he is.

Women, on the other hand, are inherently picky and should be up for being a 2 or 3's sex bot, because looks, physical fitness, personality, and earning capacity should not be considerations in a relationship.

They make me feel quite ill.

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I don't think I'll go reading those blogs then. It just sounds like something that would make my blood pressure rise.

Oh God, stay away from the blogs. I wish I'd never heard of them because I just about go into cardiac arrest when I hear anything they come out with.

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Oh God, stay away from the blogs. I wish I'd never heard of them because I just about go into cardiac arrest when I hear anything they come out with.

Finding out about MRA has made me hyper-sensitive when I talk to any dudes in my life. And by hyper-sensitive I mean really paranoid that I know secret MRA's.

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Finding out about MRA has made me hyper-sensitive when I talk to any dudes in my life. And by hyper-sensitive I mean really paranoid that I know secret MRA's.

Whenever any guys in my life express ideas to me like "I think women should get married and have their first child by the time they're 25" I get squeamish.

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Whenever any guys in my life express ideas to me like "I think women should get married and have their first child by the time they're 25" I get squeamish.

All of this.

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I know a few dudes who are like the MRA bloggers in real life. One even managed to get married to a really nice Japanese girl who he is a major arsehole to, I have never in my life seen someone be as disrespectful to another person has he was to his wife when I met her - in public. The saddest thing is that this guy isn't dwelling in the basement of his mother's house (his mother incidentally is an amazing woman, I have no idea what went wrong with her son) he is actually successful at what he does. I have a relative who has a similar attitude towards women and he is the same, horrible person, not particularly attractive at all but financially quite well off.

I get the feeling that these guys probably do attract women who are only after their money because that is really all they have to offer. You can't do much about your looks but they really could do a lot better at attracting women if they were, I don't know, nice?

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I don't think I'll go reading those blogs then. It just sounds like something that would make my blood pressure rise.

Be careful with reddit, too.

I try to stick to the non-controversial subreddits that directly interest me but actually came across a MRA post in /r/nursing a few weeks ago.


I also think we're doing the anti-MRA coalitions a disservice by assuming that all MRA-types are fat, unattractive, and living in their mother's basements. It's not really any different than their ad hominem attacks of Western women as being fat, unattractive, gold-digging, "feminazis." There is a lot more value in addressing their contradictory statements as the OP did, or even bringing up that the scientific crux of their beliefs - evolutionary psychology - is really just a flawed pseudo-science.

/unfortunately making arguments like that actually means that you have to control yourself while you read through the average MRA's nonsensical, offensive dribble

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The commenters on SSM's blog also seem to think that it is only a matter of time before we silly women are replaced with sex-bots and then we will regret ever being so damn difficult... :lol:

Please, someone (preferably a woman, hah!) create these sex-bots soon! This way the MRAs can hang out with them all day and us women and the real men who know how to respect women and realize that women are individuals, too, can get on with the rest of our lives!

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